beauty and fitness

Eliminating Post-Workout Aches And Pains For Good

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We all know that exercise is good for us. It helps us achieve and maintain a healthy weight. And it also aids cardiovascular health. In fact, there are countless advantages of a regular workout regime. But sometimes it can hurt too. Follow our tips to reduce and ease post-workout soreness.


Warm Up


Before carrying out any form of exercise, it is important to warm up. This involves carrying out the exercise at a slower and reduced rate. It prepares your cardiovascular system and gets the blood pumping to muscles. The temperature is also raised. Warming up can help reduce muscles soreness and injury. It can also help you to get the most out of your workout.


Warming down is important too. It allows your heart rate and blood pressure to return to normal gradually.


Keep Hydrated


Not being adequately hydrated can lead to post-workout soreness. To prevent this from occurring, ensure you drink enough fluids. It is recommended that you drink around 20 to 24 oz of water for each hour of exercise. Water is vital for the health of all your organs. Muscles also need fluids to function and recover properly.


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Natural Remedies


There are many natural remedies that can help ease muscle pain. For example, turmeric, ginger, and boswellia are natural anti-inflammatories. Therefore they can assist with sore knees and other complaints. It is worth doing some research and keeping this in mind if you do suffer from infrequent aches and pains. For persistent or more severe problems, always consult a physician.


Follow Instructions


Carrying out exercises in the correct manner can help reduce aches, pains, and more severe injuries. Therefore, it is important to follow instructions carefully. If you are unsure of how to carry out a particular exercise, consider enlisting the help of a personal trainer. They can advise on all aspects of training and get the most out of your workouts. They can also help you to avoid injury.


Wear The Right Clothing


The clothing you wear for exercise is important. It provides the right amount of support in the areas it is needed. It can help you acclimatize to certain weather conditions and help you to move properly. Shoes are particularly important, especially for high-impact training such as running. Make sure you choose the right footwear for your sport. If in doubt, ask for assistance.


Eat Right


Acquiring sufficient calorie intake is vital for working out. But it’s not just about how much food you consume; it’s about consuming the right food. Healthy fats such as omega-3 are good for hormones and joints. Protein is essential for muscle repair. Carbohydrates are important for energy. Ensure you are following a healthy, balanced diet. Without the right nutrients and adequate energy, you will not get the most out of your workouts. Also, your body won’t be able to recover adequately after each training session. This puts you at risk of injury.


When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins. These are ‘feel-good’ chemicals and are responsible for that post-workout high. Unfortunately, another side-effect of exercise can be annoying aches and pains. Keep yours to a minimum by following these six tips.


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