beauty and fitness

Doing A Little Something: Tackling The Lack Of Time (Or Inclination) To Exercise

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We all make the same excuses when it comes to being healthy and fit: we haven’t got any time! It’s something that we say time and time again, and before we know it, it becomes a reality and a self-fulfilling prophecy, because we have said it so much. As busy parents, we can feel that time is always of the essence, because we’re always rushing to get somewhere, and it is never something that we can do in good time. After all, our children can decide to throw a spanner into the works, or something happens and we have got to drop everything. And as such, this sense of manic-ness can overwhelm us and color our entire lives. But when it comes to our health, and specifically, the art of exercising, is there anything we can do or follow to ensure that we always make time for it?

Remember, It Doesn’t Need To Be In One Go

We’ve got this very traditional perspective of exercising now. We go to a gym, and we go on a treadmill for 45 to 60 minutes, and then we go home. But of course, this means that we’re not taking into account the traveling to the gym, the   home, as well as all of the other preparations that go into it. And as such, we’ve stopped ourselves going before we’ve even started. But, you have to remember that it’s not about the quantity of time that you put in, but it’s the quality of exercise that you can afford. It doesn’t have to be all in one go. Besides, if you only have 1 or 2 minutes spare to do something, having a little jog on the spot will get your heart rate going, the blood pumping, and you will feel better. After some time, you will start to do this a little bit more, and by making the most of any spare moment, you can do a little bit, but you’re not too much so you don’t feel that it’s tired you out.

And if you feel that there’s still a lack of time, or you find that after a while you need something to focus on improving your exercise, there’s plenty of resources where you can do home workouts. There are details at where you can find a more tailored workout so you can get more of a benefit. But to begin with, if you start by doing anything, especially when you’ve had no experience in exercise before, remember, anything is better than nothing. And the more you find that a little bit of exercise gives you the energy you will naturally start to make a bit more time for it. That’s the great thing about exercise, when done right, it shouldn’t make you feel like you’ve been running a marathon until you pass out, but it should provide that little bit more energy so you can go about your day.

Overcoming The Lack Of Enthusiasm

Sometimes we can’t bear to tear ourselves off the couch and go do something strenuous. After all, we’ve had a long day, or we’ve been up late, or we’ve had to prepare things for the kids, and it’s all of these little excuses that make us think “oh well, I’ll try again tomorrow”. But something else gets in the way, and before you know it, months have gone by and you have decided that you need to get back on the horse, and what happens? You exercise until you’re blue in the face, feel sick for it and it’s put you off for another year. It’s not just about starting little, but it’s about mustering up some enthusiasm.

Sometimes we come up with so many excuses that we will never get off the couch and accomplish what we want. One of the best ways to overcome this is to make a promise that you can’t break. Exercising with a friend is a perfect way to make sure that you stick to some form of routine. That way, it’s not just yourself that you’ve let down if you decide to cancel. And also, by doing this, you’ve got someone that can motivate you, and you can motivate them. Before you know it, it’s become a regular routine, and when you don’t exercise, or you miss a session for a genuine reason, you will naturally crave it.

Tackling Your Timetable

And the biggest challenge when it comes to overcoming the beast of exercise is finding time for it. You can start to make yourself focus on blocking out one bit of time every couple of days to exercise, but if your children need you, or something has come up, you will have to miss it. But, it’s not about admitting that you’ve failed that one time, just keep getting back on it and blocking out that same amount of time in the calendar every week until it becomes a habit. And this is one of the most important lessons when it comes to exercising; it has to become a habit, something that you can build into your life.

Every time we start to do something new, it always feels difficult, and with exercise, it can feel even more difficult because we have to put a lot of exertion into it. But, we have to remember that it’s all about a lifestyle change, it’s never a temporary thing. And when we are struggling for a bit of energy, or we just have had a bad day, if we start to plant it into our heads that it is a habit, then we will begin to focus on keeping it. Sometimes, if we do have a dip in energy, we just can’t be bothered, and this can be a slippery slope. But there is more information on showing how you can get a quick energy boost for those difficult moments. These little things might help you to overcome your initial feeling of sluggishness. And this can be firmly imprinted into your mind that exercising is a vital part of your life. And before you know it, you’ve made this positive change, and it’s become a habit that’s actually hard to break.


Do A Little…

Do you have no time? They say if you haven’t got any time, you should make time. And it’s easier said than done, but if you want to feel better about yourself, and you want to have a bit more energy, you’d be surprised that a little bit of exercise goes a long way. So instead of thinking that you can’t be bothered, do a little something, and you are going in the right direction.

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