beauty and fitness

Three Steps To Your Best Summer Body

Bikini season is approaching, and most of us are probably panicking about our legs, arms, tummies and just about everything else. We all want to look the best version of ourselves, especially in summer when we are out and about more, and our clothing is a lot skimpier! But there is no need to panic. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but if you set your mind to getting your best summer body now, you will see results just in time for your first sunbathing session. Here’s what you need to do:

Golden girl

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Step 1: Create an exercise regime


We all know that regular exercise is crucial to good health and a great body! The problem comes with sticking to a routine. My advice is to get a fitness app that tracks your progress. When you can see how many calories you’ve burnt, how many miles you’ve run, and many other stats it motivates you to keep going and improving. I would also recommend mixing up your routine with different forms of exercise, so perhaps aerobic exercise one day and weight training the next.

This will prevent you from getting bored and by mixing up burning cals with toning muscles you are giving your body the maximum benefit.

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Step 2: Start eating fresh and natural


When the warm weather hits, we are naturally inclined towards fresh and natural ingredients, which is a great thing for our summer bodies! So stock up your fridge with plenty of colorful and nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Start incorporating more fruit salads, smoothies, soups and vegetable salads into your diet. Use whole grains in each meal to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Eat a big healthy breakfast, a medium-sized lunch and a light dinner. Between meals choose snacks that are good for you like fresh or dried fruit and nuts. If you are trying to lose a lot of weight, reading a weight loss blog could help you find the right diet for you.


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Step 3: Work on your worries


Stress causes the body to hold on to more fat. So, it’s important to remember that when you are trying to get the best physical you, you must also get the best psychological you. One of the best ways to combat stress and anxiety is to start each day with a few yoga postures and deep breathing. The sun salutation is quick and easy to do and stretches the whole body. Finish each yoga session with 5 to 10 minutes of meditation. Focus on the smells, sounds and sensations that you feel right now, and when you notice your mind drifting into worries about the day, gently bring it back to the here and now. The more you do this, the more control you will have over your stress.


I hope that my three step regime helps you to get your best summer body. The essential ingredient for success is motivation. I have mentioned that I have found fitness apps helpful, but if that doesn’t work for you try different motivational techniques, like doing it with a friend. Good luck and do let me know how you get on!


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