About: blushandbarbells@gmail.com
Posts by blushandbarbells@gmail.com:
Mascara Monday – Addiction NV Super-size Volumizing Mascara
This week’s mascara review is Addiction NV Big ‘n Black Super-size Volumizing Mascara. Phew, long name, but this mascara delivers long lashes! From the Addiction NV website – Addiction NV’s BIG ‘n BLACK is the new BLACK! BIG ‘n BLACK Super-size Volumizing Mascara creates BIGGER, better lashes that drive the men batty! Our drama-inducing formula […]
Sunday Social
This week’s Sunday Social is sponsored by the number Two. Thanks to Mrs. Brown’s Thoughts for posting this. If you were stuck on an island what are the two material items you would want to have? iPhone, and I’ll make sure the cover is one of those solar-powered recharging things. SUNSCREEN!! What are the two […]
Weekend Hike – Mt. Wilson Trail to Manzanita Ridge
Facial Fridays – Michael Todd True Organics
A new feature on my blog – every Friday I will review a skincare product. This is an updated review of Michael Todd True Organics Organic Lemon Toner with AHA + DMAE for normal to oily and problem skin. My original review is here. Since writing that review, I’ve made a concerted effort to remember […]