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How Do You Choose The Best Adult Braces?

Dental braces are common now, and popular with both adults and children. But, as the rest of the world has been developing technology, so have orthodontics! There are now different types of braces, depending on what goal you want to achieve, the level of work that is needed, and the look of the braces themselves. Here are the different types, with their pros and cons.


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Metal Fitted

The traditional braces are made of stainless steels brackets, with matching metal wires. While these could be quite large and unattractive in the past, nowadays they are much smaller and less noticeable. Archwires are heat activated now as well, so respond to your body heat. This makes them move much more quickly. While they are still the most visually obvious type of brace, they are the most effective and often used when more movement is needed. They are strong and resilient, with regular check-ups and adjustments needed from your orthodontist.



Ceramic braces are very similar to the metal ones in their technique and style. However, they are made of a tooth coloured, white, or clear bracket, with a white wire. This makes them far less noticeable than the stainless steel ones as they blend into the teeth a lot more. They are just as efficient as metal, but proving more popular as they are more conspicuous. The only problem with ceramic braces is their susceptibility to staining easily. While the brackets won’t change, the white or clear elastic ligatures do discolour relatively quickly. Try to avoid colourful foods like curries, red wine and coffee, and rinse your mouth out with water after eating. These elastics are changed each time you have your braces adjusted, so any staining in short-lived.



Lingual braces use the same materials and brackets of regular braces. But instead of the brackets attaching to the outside of your teeth, they are fitted to the inside. They are invisible from the front, so they are the best ones to hide, but they do have more cons. As they are on the inside of your mouth, they’re much more difficult to live with. They can affect your speech and ability to eat, causing sores on your tongue. They are also much more difficult to keep clean, and adjustment appointments will be lengthier due to their fiddly nature. These are popular with celebrities, who want to hide the fact that they are wearing braces.


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Invisible Trays

A relatively new form of orthodontists, invisible trays are proving very popular. The main brand are Invisalign Braces by Accent Dental, and this is what most are known as. This treatment starts with a mould of the patient’s teeth being taken, which is uploaded onto a computer programme. The dentist can then work with you to alter the model online to get the desired look. When you’ve settled an end goal, plastic trays will be made that will adjust your teeth to their new positions. You will use a new tray every two weeks, which will eventually end up as the computer generated teeth look. These trays are much easier to cover than the fitted braces. They are generally preferred as they are removable, so eating and drink are unaffected. It’s important that the trays are worn 20-22 hours a day still, though, as taking them out for too long will slow the process down.

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