beauty and fitness

Sunday Social

I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend! I just got home from the gym – I had a great workout and now I’m enjoying my blueberry cheesecake protein shake, yum!

Here’s the Sunday Social for this week:

Sunday Social

  1. What is one movie you are terrified to watch? 
    Violent movies, horror films.
  2. What is one TV show you have always wanted to get into but haven’t yet?
    Super Soul Sunday on the Oprah Winfrey Network, but I don’t have cable
  3. What is one daring activity on your bucket list?
    I’d like to try rock-climbing.
  4. Would you ever travel alone?
    I have travelled alone for months at a time quite a bit – SE Asia, Europe, Mexico, even in the US
  5. What activities do you like to do alone?
    Read, eat, work

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