beauty and fitness

Sunday Social – Blog Stuff!

Hope you’re having a great weekend! Let’s get down to business, shall we? It’s Sunday Social time, thanks for this link-up, Neely!


1. What is the first blog you ever followed?
Probably Meg’s Makeup. Goodies for talking about makeup? Yes please!
Meg's Makeup

2. What was your first blog post about?
It was about having a new blog. Very scintillating topic, that.

3. Who left you your first blog comment?
Joy, from Joy to the World, commented on my lemony protein shake recipe.

4. Who was the first blogger you ever met in person?
I ran into (ha, ha) Monica from Run, Eat, Repeat at the finish line of the Pasadena 10K/Half Marathon. I didn’t have much to talk about though, I was pooped from running in the heat!

5. what was your first “blogging milestone?”
I think the first time someone tagged me in a one of those 10-questions-about-you posts. I was so happy to know that people were reading my blog and interested in me.

If you have a blog, please leave it in the comments so we can all drop by and say hello!

9 thoughts on “Sunday Social – Blog Stuff!

  1. it’s been already 2 years since i started lenallure. time does fly! i don’t remember any of the stuff, but it sure has been a nice journey. meeting many fabulous people online (like you, Wendy) is the biggest reward. 🙂
    happy sunday!

  2. Blogs are funners! I really like celeb gossip blogs and make-up related blogs. I am on a fitness journey, so health related blogs are very helpful- which is why I find your blog so entertaining : health plus beauty– love it!!!

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