beauty and fitness

4 Reasons Why You Need To Try Martial Arts

I was looking into capoeira recently, so I thought this article was pretty interesting…

If, like me, you are a sound believer in the importance of keeping your body fit and in good shape, then martial arts is something I highly recommend that you try. While the idea of taking up martial arts may not appeal to you, before you make your decision, hear me out.

Many people are afraid of martial arts because they don’t want to get hurt, which, of course, is understandable. But if taught properly, martial arts is completely safe (well, as safe as any other sport, anyway). Plus, practicing martial arts is great for improving your fitness levels, as well as your general health.

I realize that some of you may still need a little convincing, that’s why I have come up with four reasons every woman should try a martial art. To find out more, keep reading below:

Reason 1: It’s fun

Even if you don’t believe me when I say that, martial arts really is a lot of fun. It’s different to any other kind of sport and is a fantastic way to keep fit.

Even if you don’t like the idea of practicing martial arts, go along to a taster class for Martial Arts at Gatineau, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Believe it or not, people of all ages, shapes and sizes take part in, and enjoy, martial arts.

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Reason 2: It teaches you to defend yourself

With so many muggings, sexual attacks and other crimes going on today, it doesn’t hurt to be able to defend yourself. Obviously, if anyone tries to attack you and you have the chance, run. A weapon will always win over strength. But, if you find yourself in a situation that you cannot run from, you are more likely to get out unharmed if you know how to defend yourself.

Hopefully, you won’t end up in a situation where you need to defend yourself. But it is good to know that if you do end up in a scary situation, you know how to use your body to protect yourself. And, that is a very important and worthwhile reason to learn martial arts.

Reason 3: It is empowering

Taking part in any form of exercise will teach you that overcoming obstacles is possible and that all it takes is determination and practice. At least, that’s what I have learnt with my own fitness regimes.

But there is something more empowering about being able to use your body to overpower someone who is a potential threat. Think of it like this: in a society where women are often seen as the weaker of the sexes, it is amazing to know that you can be just as strong as your male counterpart.

Reason 4: It has fantastic fitness benefits

For anyone like me, who is a fitness fanatic, the best reason to try martial arts is, of course, for its fitness benefits. But what are the fitness benefits of martial arts?

There are many fitness benefits of martial arts, with the best benefit being that martial arts gives you a full body workout in a matter of minutes. Practicing martial arts will not only improve your general fitness, it will also increase your stamina, muscle tone, and strength. How great is that?

If you love fitness and fancy trying something new, definitely give martial arts a try. It might seem scary, but with a bit of practice, trust me, you will excel at it.

What kind of martial arts would you like to try?

2 thoughts on “4 Reasons Why You Need To Try Martial Arts

  1. I really want to try Taekwondo here in Korea! Like it seems like it would be so much fun and of course the fact that I will be able to defend myself if ever needed is icing on the cake. Great post!

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