beauty and fitness

A Messy Manicure

There’s a reason I haven’t done a Manicure Monday in a while…

Color Club black nail polish, Orly Bonder, Orly Won't Chip, manicure monday, messy manicure
Photo is blurry on purpose because I’m so embarrassed by the sight of these tragic talons

Now, I know my nail-painting skills are not the best, and practice makes perfect… but this is one day! And it’s already chipping! I thought I’d be all dramatic with long blackened nails, but instead I just look trashy with tip wear.

I used Orly Bonder as a base coat and Orly Won’t Chip as a top coat, but there was just no staying power for this manicure.

Tell me your secrets for a chip-free manicure! Please!!

8 thoughts on “A Messy Manicure

  1. Hmmm sorry to hear that it chipped after only a day! I have a few ColorClub polishes but they perform okay although they are on the gloopy side…
    I think it is all about combination. Some great base & top coat can be terrible matched with certain brand polishes, etc.
    Also, if the nail beds are uneven, polishes chip faster. Ridge filler helps but I don’t see it as a long term solution.
    I usually have a better luck with essie, Revlon, Zoya polishes with Seche Vite base and top coat..but Seche contains bad chemicals..I’d recommend Poshe base and top coat. They are Big 3 free and perform very well. 🙂

  2. You have to go gel or glitter polish-both can be rough on the nails- but anything beats having chips! Good luck and I love the black nails- one of my faves

    1. I have been thinking of a glitter top coat…if nothing else it would disguise the chips better, I think.

  3. My nails usually look the exact same way. I am ok at polishing my left hand and horrible at my right and my polish always chips after 2-3 days. I do however get quite a few compliments when I wear the nail decal stickers from Sally Hansen or Revlon and they last quite a bit longer. Doesn’t help though that they cost about as much as a bottle of nail polish and you can’t get as many uses out of them.

    1. I have some nail decal stickers from Jamberry but I cannot figure out how to make them stick! Maybe I’ll try Sally Hansen; thanks for the recommendation.

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