beauty and fitness

Awesome Advice for Tackling Your Gym Regime

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I attend the gym a few times a week, and it plays a big role in my weekly regime. I used to hate going, but now I enjoy it. And I’m going to give you a few pointers that will help you enjoy it more too.


Pace Yourself


It’s vital that you don’t bite off more than you can chew. I see many people at the gym every week who overdo it. And as a result, they really struggle. You have to make sure you go at your own pace, and that you don’t worry about what anybody else is doing. If you can pace yourself you’re going to find the workouts much less strenuous. And you’ll find yourself able to do a little more each time.


Create a Great Playlist


I always have a specific playlist that I created just for the gym. It contains lots of upbeat and awesome songs to keep me motivated. And you need to come up with something similar. You might be surprised by how much of an impact the right music can have. Think about songs that get you pumped and try to include them. You can work out to the beat of your favourite songs. Let yourself be a choir, and the music the conductor.


Pick the Right Classes


Going to the gym should be something that you enjoy and get a lot out of. And for this to be the case you need to choose the right classes. It’s no good doing something that you don’t enjoy and find a struggle. This is only going to get you unmotivated and disinterested. Instead, you need to think about picking the best classes for your body, but also the most enjoyable ones. If you can do this, you’re going to find the process much more interesting and fulfilling.


Have a Buddy


If you want to know a secret to beating that gruelling gym regime I’ve got one for you – have a buddy. Find a friend who also wants to go to the gym, and vow you’ll go together. This is an excellent idea for two reasons. Firstly, you have somewhere there to talk to and this will distract you and help pass the time while you work out. And the second reason is so you’ll have another person to motivate you and get on your case if you’re slacking.


Keep it Up


The key to a successful and enjoyable gym regime is perseverance. You need to make sure you keep up with what you’re doing. It’s very easy to miss a couple of sessions, and all of a sudden you find you haven’t gone for months. You’ve got to be disciplined, and make sure you’re dedicated. The more you visit the gym, the easier it will become for you. This might be helped by a change to somewhere like Sweat Clubs gyms. You need to feel like your gym has something to offer you, and you need to feel at home there. If you don’t it’s time to change establishments. And then you can force yourself to go a few times a week. This is where having a buddy comes in handy!


The gym is a place many of us have a love/hate relationship with. We might hate going, but we love the way it makes us look and feel. The idea of this guide is to make the gym experience a little more bearable; perhaps even fun! Make sure you assess the points I’ve made and try to make use of them for your next gym outing.


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