beauty and fitness

Fact or Fiction? The Truth Behind Different Weight Loss Supplements

We always hear so much about weight loss supplements in the news, in magazines and on the internet. With so many people saying different things, how do you know what’s fact and what’s fiction? The truth is, some weight loss supplements can have a positive impact on your fitness efforts. Others have yet to prove their worth. Let’s take a look at some of the truths behind popular weight loss supplements.

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Ones to Avoid

Before we go into the weight loss supplements that are worth checking out, there are some that you should avoid like the plague. You may have seen recent news stories about the dangers of taking pills to help you lose weight. The fact is, some of them are dangerous. Here are the diet pills you really need to avoid:

  • DNP – This slimming tablet has had some atrocious press recently. Even Interpol have weighed in and told people not to take it. This dieting and bodybuilding aid was linked to several deaths at the beginning of this year.
  • Qnexa – A few years ago this diet drug was ready to hit the shelves before FDA told the world it thought it was too dangerous. You can still buy it and its successors online, but it can seriously mess with your body.
  • Japan Rapid Weight Loss Diet Pills – This is another weight loss supplement that hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons, just a couple of years ago. It can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.


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The Weight Loss Supplements That Work

Now that we’ve got all of that scary stuff out of the way (sorry!) let’s look at the positive aspects of weight loss supplements. You can buy pills that will help in the slimming and fitness process, there’s no denying that. However, you have to realise that these are only aids. This means you still need to be living a healthy lifestyle, eating well, and exercising regularly. There is no ‘magic pill’ that will ensure you drop pounds within weeks. And, to be honest, it isn’t healthy to live that way. Here are some of the weight loss supplements that may be worth trying alongside a balanced lifestyle:

  • Herbal Supplements – There are plenty of weight loss tablets on the market which have been created solely with different herbs and spices. You’re therefore not putting any dangerous chemicals in your body. Realdose is an example of an herbal supplement.
  • Green Tea – Not a tablet or a pill, just pure green tea. Experts have been looking into the benefits of drinking green tea for quite some time. The fact is, it can boost metabolism and give you plenty of energy. Perfect for workouts!
  • Protein Powder – Here’s another weight loss supplement that isn’t technically a pill or tablet. If you’re working out, then protein powder can help turn that fat into muscle. A pound of muscle is far better for you than a pound of fat. Plus, there are plenty of different ways to enjoy protein powder in your everyday meals.


The moral of the story is this: If something sounds too good to be true, then it usually is. Pills claiming rapid weight loss are likely to be dangerous. However, herbal supplements and a healthy, balanced lifestyle can make all the difference.

You know I’m all about the protein powder – good for a sweet tooth, too!

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