beauty and fitness

Five Reasons to RUN

Five Reasons to Run

Happy Friday! Today I’m linking up with Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed up for What?!! for their Friday Five. Today’s theme is Five Reasons to Run ___. But I thought, I’ll just make it Five Reasons to Run, FULL STOP.

Five Reasons to Run

5. Carb Loading.
No further explanation needed.

mac & Cheese

4. Race atmospheres are so exciting!
When else in your life can you run down Hollywood Blvd and have all traffic stop for you (without having LAPD wrestle you to the ground)?

Hollywood Half Marathon

3. I can catch up with my soaps when I run on the treadmill!
Sometimes I’m so engrossed in the drama that I don’t even realize when I’m done.


2. Races are fun family events!
Here I am with my sister at the Hollywood Half Marathon in April.
Hollywood Half Marathon
1. Because I can.
Who knows what will happen to my body as I age?  For now, I’m making the most of it and feeling like a bad ass in the meantime.
Wonder Woman

Do you run? What’s up for the weekend?

13 thoughts on “Five Reasons to RUN

  1. I started about two months ago and then stopped when I got plantar fasciitis. I enjoyed it alot, but I think I am going to stick with biking and spinning.

  2. I started running a few months ago and I loved it but then I got plantar fasciitis and now I can barely walk and feel really anxious about not being able to run!

  3. YES to all of these! I wish I had a treadmill so I could catch up on my shoes while running though. Surprisingly I actually really enjoy running outside though (I never thought I would)! Since I work from home sometimes it’s nice to have that to force me outside for a little while!

  4. Congrats on your running !!!I can do run/walks and it’s so much fun! My sister inspired me and its true what you said about not taking your body for granted keep active while you still can !!!

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