beauty and fitness

Get Abs for Summer With This Simple Guide

Summer isn’t far away, and you’ve probably got one or two holidays and events planned. Wouldn’t it be nice to show off an amazing set of abs in the sunshine? It won’t be easy, but if you follow the tips in this guide, you can do it!

 Step Up Your Cardio

Cardio helps to burn more fat, so if you’re only doing a couple of sessions a week add another session or two in. You can do up to 6 sessions a week, but you need to follow these guidelines:

  • Don’t do more than 30 minutes at a time. You’re not paying attention to calories, so forget that idea.
  • Do a mix of steady state and HIIT.
  • Work as hard as you can every time.

 Lift More Weights

Along with cardio, you should lift more weights. Many people who lift weights don’t even need to do separate ab sessions; they just get them naturally! Abs are all about having a low body fat percentage, and lifting more weights can help you to burn more body fat. They’ll also give a leaner appearance over the entire body.

 Take Supplements

Supplements can help you to reach your goals if you struggle with regular foods. Protein shakes can get your protein intake up, while BCAAs can help you to recover. There are all kinds of supplements, so do your research. phen375 reviews will give you an idea of the kind of things to look for if you want to control your eating. You don’t necessarily need supplements, but they can help a lot!

 Do 3 Ab Circuits a Week

You can’t spot train an area, so it’s not realistic to think you can do only ab sessions and make great progress. However, you should still be working them to make them stronger and more pronounced. Do 3 different circuits a week and really feel the burn.


Santa Fe on my mind

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 Refine Your Diet

No matter how many ab sessions you do, you won’t be able to see them if you don’t refine your diet. Make sure you’re eating plenty of veg and protein, and having controlled amounts of healthy fat and carbs. Never cut out one food group as this is just asking for trouble.

 Limit Rubbish

Limit the rubbish you eat. If you’re hungry, snack on veg rather than chocolate. Still allow yourself treats, but not as often. You need to make sure this is something you can stick to in the long run.

 Drink Water and Green Tea

If you’re not drinking enough water, your metabolism can suffer. Your body will also find it harder to flush fat and toxins. Drink water and green tea regularly; up to 4 litres per day. It’ll take a while to get used to, but it’ll make a big difference.

 Take Progress Pictures to Motivate

You’ll be way more motivated when you see how far you’ve come. You should even notice a small change after just a week. Take pictures on the same day at the same time to see how you’re coming along. Never step on the scale, as it just isn’t accurate!

 Be consistent with this guide and your abs will peek through in no time!

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