beauty and fitness

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hello Kitty Valentine's Day

Today is my birthday. I am 42 years old and 135 pounds, one year older and the same weight as last year. I’m happy about that because I was afraid I’d baked myself out of my pants over the holidays, but it’s all back to normal now.

Hello Kitty Valentine's Day I am never too old for Hello Kitty

What are your plans for Valentine’s Day? And do these plans involve chocolate of any kind?

32 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day!

  1. Happiest of birthday’s to you! What a great accomplishment. You should be extra proud to be exactly where you’re at. I don’t dare get on the scale today!

    @Dayngr in NC
    {Swinging by from SITS Comment Luv}

  2. Happy Birthday! LOL @ “baked myself out of my pants” 😀 I had a popcorn and movie night with my fiance and he bought me a bar of chocolate, we prefer to celebrate everyday though than on just one day 🙂

  3. My hubby was able to make a short visit with us before going back out on the road. He’s a long haul truck driver and we didn’t know if he would get to come home or not.
    Happy birthday to you Wendy! Fun day to have your birthday on! I turn 41 on the 27th this month. So hello to a fellow Pices!

  4. I’ve seen your comments on other blogs, and I’m not too sure if I have commented. I would have not thought you’re 42. For some reason, I thought you were in your 20’s. I learned something new today.

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