beauty and fitness

How To Look After Your Face When Using Cosmetics

I love makeup, and so do you all, that’s why you are reading this blog! But whether you are experimenting with the latest smokey eye palette or just applying your day to day makeup, we need to be careful not to harm ourselves. In this post, I am going to explore some of the most damaging things we may be doing with our makeup without even realizing, and how to prevent them.


Cat Eyes



Use Eyeliner Properly


It’s so tempting to do, as we see it in so many professional tutorials, but really you shouldn’t ever apply eyeliner onto your waterline. It is very easy to scratch your eye doing this, or worse, get an infection. Apply your eyeliner around your eye instead, this will make your eyes look much bigger and brighter as well as preventing any irritation.


Use Brushes


A lot of people just use their fingers to apply your concealer and foundation for a quick and easy fix. However, using brushes can be much better for your skin. By using your fingers you are rubbing oil into your skin, which can clog your pores and cause breakouts. You may be a little lazy with washing your hands right before applying makeup. If so, it is really worth investing in some bdellium tools, they make a brush for everything you can imagine! Having an assortment of brushes to use will also improve the finish of your makeup, all the experts use them after all!


Remove It Before Bed


This is absolutely vital, no exceptions! Leaving your makeup on while you sleep can really do some harm to your skin. Makeup will clog up your pores which allow your skin to breath. Blocked pores mean spots. Your skin needs a break, so if this isn’t happening at night then it is really going to struggle. Eye makeup is also important to remove, as it will irritate your eyes during the night. Admittedly some makeup wipes are a little expensive for what they are, so why not use baby wipes! You can get these for a great price in the supermarket and they still do a brilliant job of removing makeup.


Be Careful With Your Equipment


We have all heard the horror stories about eyelash curlers. Many women have lost their eyelashes from slipping while using them, and for some they haven’t grown back! If you don’t want to be in this situation, then please be careful with your equipment and take your time. That includes using any pointy objects around eyes too!




If you are going to be in the sun then it might be a good idea to invest in a foundation and a chapstick that have an SPF. This will help protect your skin from the sun, and stop your lips chapping. Many women forget to apply sunscreen to their face. So if you choose a coverage already had an SPF, you will be protected without even having to consider it!

Do you have any other ways you think would help in protecting ourselves a little more when using our makeup? Leave a comment below!


2 thoughts on “How To Look After Your Face When Using Cosmetics

  1. One youtube gal that I use to follow would dip her pencil eye liner into her gel eye liner and then apply (using her pencil eye liner as a tool instead of a liner brush) .. I always thought this was germ-y and weird 😛


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