beauty and fitness

Hashtag Humpday – The Grammar Edition

Nothing, nothing boils my blood like errant apostrophes.

You can must should read the rules for proper apostrophe usage here.

The important part of that article is Rule 2B: apostrophes do not belong in plurals. For some reason, the practice of apostrophes in plurals is called a “grocer’s apostrophe.” If I were a grocer, I’d be furious that such an abomination has been attributed to my entire profession.

Because this bothers me so very much, naturally I have to take photos and blog about it.


20140713-160854-58134090.jpgBody’s what? Body’s shape? Did the ad mean Bodies? I DON’T KNOW.


  20140713-160855-58135162.jpgWhy the inconsistency? If you’re going to make a mistake, own it!


20140713-160852-58132070.jpgWhy bother to look up the proper spelling of an irregular plural when you can just toss in an apostrophe?


20140713-160852-58132744.jpgOnly Apples get a compost hole. Oranges and Bananas are on their own.


 Unfortunately, our apostrophe misuse has travelled south of the border. I saw these in Mexico. 20140713-160857-58137134.jpgMaybe the bag belongs to a guy named Chip? Perhaps other bags are branded Skip’s and Buffy’s.




 The BBC got it wrong, too! See Rule 8 on this list of proper apostrophe usage.

Phew!  Time for a chill pill. Join me for the next installment in which I argue the merits of the Oxford comma. Just kidding!

#Hashtaghumpday @ Life with Lolo

Making Melissa

5 thoughts on “Hashtag Humpday – The Grammar Edition

  1. Ahaha this is too funny! I will never understand mistakes on advertisements. If you’re going to spend so much money to print something, you should spend time to proof read it. I see little mistakes like this in Spain all the time. (Granted English is not the language here) But if you are going to pay to print something have someone check it first!!! Duh 😀

  2. Oh, this drives me so insane! Nobody’s perfect, but simple spelling, punctuation and capitalization mistakes can make me irrationally upset sometimes. Advertisers should know better!

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