beauty and fitness

I got a Fit Bit!

유씨 bought us Fit Bits! I haven’t fully utilized it yet (I need to start tracking my food again), but here are some observations I’ve made thus far:

  • The wrist band looks like something from Star Trek. And when it vibrates, it’s like the mother ship is communicating with me.
  • I easily take 10,000 steps a day, even if I’m not really walking anywhere. Today, however, I went for a 6-mile hike so my steps taken was doubled.20130706-211516.jpg
  • I sleep pretty well, except between 4-5am when my fat furry alarm clock wants to be fed. It’s time for me to wake up and start exercising at that time anyway.IMG_2802

I’m really excited to use the Fit Bit! I’ve been using for years to track my food, and I’ll have to start customizing my food in Fit Bit. I need to start watching what I eat again and soon, because half-marathon training is just a week away, and I must lose some weight lest I crush my poor knees.

Do you have a Fit Bit? Add me as your friend if you do!

2 thoughts on “I got a Fit Bit!

  1. I just got a fitbit too! Although, I’m completely lost – haven’t been able to hook it up to my iPhone, can’t quite figure out how to connect it to my ipad, and I can’t even figure out how to set the time. :). Of course, I am out of town and haven’t devoted much time or effort to it, but I’m anxious to get it all figured out.


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