beauty and fitness

Non-Scale Victories Linkup

no oreos

Good morning! Today I’m participating in KTJ’s non-scale victory linkup.


I realized that the entire four months I was in Mexico, I didn’t eat a single Oreo. Not a one! I even passed up Oreo-themed desserts at the hotel happy hour.
no oreosThis is a huge victory, because Oreos tend to be my comfort food. I tend to eat those bad boys when I’m away from home (no idea why). I ate tons of Oreos when I lived in Japan and when I was travelling in SE Asia (although to be fair, that was because there were lots of different varieties).

In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve eaten an entire box of Oreos. Yay me!


6 thoughts on “Non-Scale Victories Linkup

  1. Awesome! I find that the food treats that I liked as a kid, like Oreo’s and Devil Dogs (chocolate, cream filled cakes) aren’t that appealing to me anymore. But fear not, I’ve replaced these items with home made baked goods .. lol .. just as calorie dense (but slightly healthier).


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