beauty and fitness

Proven Tips to Help You Stop Overeating

Overeating is a big issue with me so many people these days. Ever had one cookie and then not been able to stop eating the whole package? Or maybe you’ve made a nice curry and gone back for seconds, or even thirds? This could be considered overeating, or even binging. But how do you stop it? This behavior can greatly affect our waistlines and goals if we’re not careful. Use these tips to stop overeating for good!


Drink Lots of Water


Sometimes, we get hunger confused with thirst. To avoid this, drink lots of water throughout the day. You should drink at least 2 litres a day. Carry a big bottle with you so you can drink from it whenever you feel like it. Don’t just wait until you feel thirsty!


Avoid ‘Diet’ and ‘Low Fat/Calorie’ Foods


You might think you’re doing yourself a favor by eating these foods, when really you’re just going to feel hungrier afterwards. They don’t fill us up properly, which makes us find the calories elsewhere. The ingredients can even make us crave bad foods.


Eat at Regular Intervals


Know when your next meal is going to be. Never miss breakfast, as you’ll be ravenous come lunchtime and want to eat everything in sight. By knowing when you’re next going to eat rather than just winging it, you’ll be less likely to snack.


Fill Up on Natural Foods


Natural foods keep us fuller for longer. You could eat a 200 calorie candy bar, and still be hungry afterwards. Eat 200 calories of sweet potato, you’ll feel so much more satisfied! Allow yourself the odd treat, but eat natural foods to stop overeating effectively.

The Waiting Room / Bulimia Tableau



Chew Gum When You Get a Craving


Sometimes, we’re not hungry; we just get a craving. Cravings come out of nowhere, and can be difficult to resist. If you get a craving, try chewing gum. Concentrate on something else for a little while too, and the craving should pass after about 10 minutes.


Take Supplements


Some supplements can be dangerous, so always do your research before buying anything to curb your appetite. Spinach extract appethyl is a fairly natural supplement that shouldn’t do any harm. Watch out for fat burners and similar supplements containing strange ingredients, as many won’t work or will be damaging to yourself.


Don’t Buy Junk to Keep in the House


If you buy junk to keep in the house, you’ll eat it much faster than anticipated. Having things like this readily available can also lead to bingeing. Only buy junk if you intend to eat it right then and there. Keeping it within reach is a recipe for disaster!


Eat Lots of Protein


Protein can help to keep us feeling fuller for longer, so make sure you’re eating enough of it. Some people like to make sure that they’re eating 1 gram for each pound of their body weight. You can make sure you get more protein in by eating lots of eggs, nut butters, protein shakes, and lean meat. Protein bars can be great too! Of course you shouldn’t underestimate the other macronutrients, fat and carbohydrates. Healthy fats can not only keep you feeling full but support healthy joints too. Carbs are fine in moderation, just try to avoid the white kind.


Most of all, you need to really want this to work to get results!

4 thoughts on “Proven Tips to Help You Stop Overeating

    1. It’s good to take a break and stretch your legs anyway. Also a good excuse when you’re trying to avoid someone-“sorry, gotta go, you know how much water I drink!”

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