beauty and fitness

Quick and Easy Makeup Tips for Busy Women

Good morning, peeps! As you can tell by the dearth of recent posts, I’ve been go, go go! lately. How does a girl keep herself looking good with little spare time? Finding time to glam yourself up can be an uphill struggle for busy women. Here are some handy tips that will help you incorporate your beauty routine into your busy schedule.

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Get organized

You can achieve a fast, flawless look if you establish a little bit of order to your makeup regime. Dedicate a station in your bathroom, bedroom, or wherever is most convenient to do your makeup. Ideally the station will include your makeup kit, a mirror, a seat, and a clock. Your station should be neat and tidy so that you can find everything quickly and easily. The night before, make sure that you have everything you need at your station to avoid wasting precious time searching for missing items. I like to put out my makeup the night before, just like I do with my clothes.

Makeup on the move

It is a good idea to have two makeup kits; one that stays at home and a portable one. This means that if you don’t have time in the morning to apply your makeup, you can do it during your commute (assuming you’re not driving!) or when you get to work. This does not have to mean spending lots buying two of everything. Think about what you will need in your portable kit. You may need to apply moisturizer and mascara after being at the gym, but you will not need to bring your entire post-workout skin care kit. You will save money if you purchase a selection of miniatures, like a miniature comb, for your portable kit. Personally, I buy minis for the cute factor, but they really are handy, too!



Pare down your makeup kit

Most women will have hundreds of unused eyeshadows, lipsticks and nail polishes in various locations around the house. It is a better idea to have a small number of good quality essentials rather than a large number of cheap and nasty products. You can purchase good quality makeup here or ask friends for recommendations. Dedicate some time to sorting through your makeup and get rid off all the items that are old or that you do not plan to use.  I just did that this week and I’ve way pared down my stash. Once you have done this, think about your makeup routine and whether there is anything you can comfortably omit. You may be stuck in a makeup rut, having done the same routine for years. Why not try doing things a little different – it might just save you time and money. Makeup shops and department stores often offer free makeovers. At the very least, the makeup assistants may be able to offer you advice on how you can streamline your makeup routine.

Makeup Brush on White Background

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Long-term makeup

You could cut out (most of) your makeup routine altogether if you invest in long-term makeup. To do this, you should book an appointment with a professional beautician who can tint your eyelashes and eyebrows. The tinting will last for over a month. I’ve had my lashes professionally tinted, and I do my brows at home. There are now nail polish products available that last for two weeks or more without chipping. Again, you should visit a beauty salon to get this done. Although this might be expensive in the short-term, in the long-term this could save you money and, of course, time. And time = money!

What do you do to streamline your morning routine? Any more tips for us?

6 thoughts on “Quick and Easy Makeup Tips for Busy Women

  1. I find those one eye shadow wonders (mostly bronze neutrals) that I can swipe on from lid to crease and go. Then I’ll skip contouring my cheers and swipe on a cream blush (I need blush or look dead.. lol). Eyeliner and mascara are a must though.


    1. I just found one of those creaseless cream eyeshadows in the back of my drawer…I think I’ll follow your lead and use it!

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