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September edition of Literary Junkies

It’s every bookworm’s favourite time of the month – Literary Junkies day! This is the day where we can all dedicate our blog posts just to good books! Each month, we pick a new co-host to help us come with with new link-up questions for participants to answer. Write a blog post answering these questions (see below) and link up here so we can all go read it!

Pink Heels Pink Truck

This month’s questions:

1. What are you currently reading? Tell us about it!
I just finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

It’s the kind of book you want to race through to get to the end, but actually don’t want to finish. I was completely sucked in at Page 1. Definitely stalking my library’s webpage for more books by this author.

2. Autumn is coming! What’s your go-to drink when curling up with a book at night?
Water, water, and…water.

3. Printed books vs. e-books: What are the pros and cons of each?
I never thought I’d love a Kindle as much as I do. It never occurred to me to buy one, but when my Pops gave me a tablet for my birthday, I was hooked.My friend Charity told me she reads tons more with a Kindle than she did with books and it made no sense to me! But I completely agree now.

4. Buying books vs. library books: Which do you prefer and why?
Definitely library books! Not only am I cheap, but I’m also trying to pare down all this stuff
I keep around. When we moved, I donated hundreds of books to Goodwill that I’d bought there anyway! Library books – especially e-books – means less clutter, dust, money spent…

What are you currently reading?

3 thoughts on “September edition of Literary Junkies

  1. This is the list of books I want to read- I found all of them through Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday-best program ever!! I haven’t read any of them yet #waitingforspiritualcliffsnotes

    Books to buy:
    Tethering soul
    Seat of the soul
    A course in miracles
    Women food and god
    Produced by faith
    Deepak chopra 7 life lessons
    31 promises
    The power of now

    Has anyone read these?

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