beauty and fitness

Sunday Social

Good morning! Hope your weekend is relaxing and you’re revved up for a new week.


1. What do you value most in life?
Health. My health is something that I’m constantly trying to improve, hence all the workouts and Shakeology-touting. Yes, I’m selling stuff, but if you haven’t got your health, what have you got?


2. What do you think is the greatest invention in your life and why?
P90X – This exercise program completely changed my life. if not for that, I’d probably still be slow, sluggish, lethargic, depressed, with my weight creeping up more and more every year…now I’m happy, healthy, and I love to exercise.


3. What do you think is the secret to a good life?
HEALTH. (sensing a theme here?) Everything else falls into place after this, because love, happiness, success, family, friends all mean very little if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy them.

My brother-in-law took this photo of me when I finished a 10K!


4. What would you most like to be remembered for when you’re gone?
I’m planning to outlive all y’all, so this question is moot!

5. What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?
Ask me again after November 3, Half-Marathon Day


11 thoughts on “Sunday Social

  1. I have never tried P90X and honesty, I think I would die if I did right now. Maybe in a month or two I will try it. Today was the first day in a long time that I woke up and decided to work out. Mind you I have been trying for two weeks to even get out of bed on time. It’s been hectic, but I’ve taken the first step. I am very interested in the shakes. I will have to set aside some money to try them.

    Good luck with your marathon.


    1. You might be interested in the sample pack of Shakeology – 4 sachets of different flavors so you can decide which you like before you buy a bag, cuz it ain’t cheap and you want to make sure you’ll like it. Thanks for showing interest!

    2. Hi Sophia- I can relate to you and wanted to share my experience with P90X – I have been overweight all of my life and am currently 5’3″ and weigh 217lbs- and while this is not my heaviest- it sucks and it was so hard to get motivated to start a work out program- I have always admired and been envious of fit people that can pick up work-out routines and they make it seem so easy- I have always been scared to fail and scared of what others thought if I couldn’t do all the moves perfectly- I started with P90X about 2 months ago-in hopes to bring my family a little closer together and I LOVE IT!!! The thing I like the most is doing the exercises with my family-being apart of a supportive team really helps- but since doing the videos- I would totally do them by myself-great thing about doing this at home is having the ability to pause and take longer breaks if needed- Tony Horton is so funny and inspiring- the thing to remember is that you can always modify the moves to your comfort level and that the best thing you can do for your fitness journey is to show-up and try your best- and guess what the first week- was a killer- I could barely get through the videos and I watched the moves and my other family members most of the time- but now I can get through the tapes- while it’s not easy – by far, I can see progress and I am so proud of myself and my family members for sticking to it! I can’t wait to try Insanity next and then I want to do P90X again!!! I wish you the best of luck and I proud of you for taking the first steps to becoming a better you-

  2. Good luck in your half-marathon!!

    I have never tried P90X – I couldn’t right now simply because I am injured, but I do want to look into it at some point. I have done insanity in the past and had pretty good results from that!

    1. Oh em gee did I love Insanity. P90X is more well-rounded though – weights, cardio, yoga…it’s got everything.
      Speedy recovery!

  3. I love P90X so very much- I feel like this is just the beginning for me- I have recently been inspired to take up running and I am loving that process too- It’s so exciting to push yourself and to see and feel progress! Every time my muscles ache- I am proud of myself,- it’s a great and energetic feeling I hope you all try it! Thank you for this social Sunday- it’s always nice to learn about you and hear feedback from the other posts! Good luck to everyone and of course good luck to you on your marathon- I know you will do a great job!!!

  4. I’ve been wanting to try Shakeology for a long time! I’ve heard some great things about it! Fair play for tackling P90x, I also hear that is pretty hardcore!! I found you from the Friendly Bunch Blog Hop! Followed you on Bloglovin! Would love if you stopped by mine and had a look around (I also have a beauty and fitness blog!)! x

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