beauty and fitness

Sunday Social

Happy Easter! I hope you are all enjoying this weekend!

Sunday Social

This Week’s Questions:

1. Favorite type of work out to do?


P90X and Insanity

2. Favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet?

3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do?
If I could remember that I wouldn’t have to answer this.

4. Post-its or phone reminders? Why?
Phone reminders. Post-its get lost.

5. Favorite picture currently on your phone that always makes you smile?

Puroland, October 2006


One thought on “Sunday Social

  1. 1. Favorite type of work out to do? Tony Horton is my man
    2. Favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet? ice cream, cake
    3. What is one thing you continuously forget to do? forget the feeling you have when you first set a workout goal. The commitment fades rather quickly 🙁
    4. Post-its or phone reminders? Why? Post-its. I’m old school
    5. Picture of Maisie.

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