beauty and fitness

Sunday Sunday SUNDAY

Today is my first day off in 34 days (not that I was counting with little hash marks at my desk or anything). It’s been a rough couple of weeks, but yesterday it all came to an end (maybe) at 1pm.

After work I met 유씨 and his mom for sushi and then we took her to the airport. I hardly got to see her during her visit! I was hoping that we could have gone to one of those Korean spas where technicians scrape off an entire layer of skin…but alas.

This morning 유씨 and I went to the sweet little gym in our new apartment. I forgot how much I like working out with him. He showed me how to use the squat rack; I showed him how to use TRX. I jogged on the treadmill for 25 minutes (not bad considering I’ve done little else but eat donuts and sit on my bum for 12 hrs a day for the last 4 weeks).
Yesterday when dropped 유씨’s mother off at the airport and I got on the luggage scale…happy to report that no damage had been done in that area. I knew that, of course, because my pants all fit, but I have been feeling loose in the cage.

chewingI managed to get some much-needed grooming in today too. I did my hair (some needed to be colored; some needed to be removed), my nails (tune in tomorrow to see more!) the laundry…just STUFF that had been neglected.

유씨 is going to decide if we should go to the movies or watch the NBA finals and I’m going to call my pops for Father’s Day.

How are you spending the weekend?


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