beauty and fitness

Travel Tuesday – Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan, Temple of the Moon, Temple of the Sun, Pure Protein, Avenue of the Dead, Aztecs

Last weekend I went to Teotihuacan, the ancient city near which Mexico City was founded.

Now, our tour guide was at great pains to disabuse us of the common misconception that Teotihuacan was created by Aztecs. Construction began around 300 BC, and the Aztecs didn’t roll up into this part of Mexico until ~1250 AD. Rather, Teotihuacan was populated by many cultures over the centuries, and the Aztecs only came by after this magnificent city had been abandoned.

Enough history – on with the photos!

Here is a serpent head sculpture inside The Temple of Quetzalcoatl (sorry for the blurriness; flash is not allowed).


Some art at the base of the altar inside the temple – another serpent head bringing water to the maize flowers.


Special guest appearance by 유씨 at the top of the Temple of the Moon, with the Avenue of the Dead and the Temple of the Sun behind us. Construction on the Temple of the Moon began ~450 AD.

Here we are on top of the Temple of the Sun, with the Temple of the Moon behind us. Construction on Temple of the Sun began ~100 AD.

Climbing the Temple of the Sun is no easy feat. Thank you Pure Protein for supplying me with much-needed snacks for the journey!

I’m standing on top of a temple built for goddesses in this photo. Fitting, yes/yes?

Can you believe that approximately only 10% of Teotihuacan has been excavated?

Thanks for looking at my photos!

Travel Tuesday


Challenge group starts June 30 – space is limited! Email me for more details

6 thoughts on “Travel Tuesday – Teotihuacan

  1. I’d love to visit some ancient temples in Mexico, well rather than visiting Mexico for spring break 😀 I’ve always been fascinated with the time of the Aztecs and imagining that these temples are even older than the Aztec ones is tough! I mean how amazing it must be to visit something that is so old and yet so well maintained! Thanks for linking up with us! 🙂

  2. I did a school project on the Aztec’s when I was in 5th grade and ever since then I have been fascinated with the history, would love to tour the ancient temples in Mexico.

  3. It’s crazy to think that things that were built over thousands of years ago are still standing!! Fascinating! That last picture of you and with the background and the sky, beautiful! 🙂

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