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Vitamins and Supplements

Kirkland Signature Daily Multi-vitamin

I bought this pill box at Rite Aid for my nightly vitamins. Sometimes I’m far too disorganized to get them all out of the jars when all I really want to do is get to bed, so I thought of parceling them out once a week. Even a lazybones like me can manage that!
Monday through Friday pill box

Here’s what I take:

Gloucosamine – Tony Horton said everyone doing P90X or over 40 should take this. Okay then! Gloucosamine is good for joints and helps keep arthritis at bay. The pills are pretty big but easy to swallow. I buy them at CostCo.
Kirkland Signature Glucosamine, Tony Horton

Calcium – I don’t drink milk so I worry that  I don’t get enough calcium (never mind how much cheese I eat). I do not like these pills – they’re huge and hard to swallow. When I’m done with this jar I’m switching to those chocolatey chew things.
Calcium and Vitamin D supplements

Allergy pill – I stopped taking this for a while because Shakeology seems to have controlled my allergies (superfoods baby!), but this dry weather makes my eyes puffy and deep breaths difficult, so it goes back into the nightly routine.
Kaiser Permanente Loratadine Tablets, Shakeology

Vitamin D – My doctor says I have a vitamin D deficiency. I was flabbergasted with this news since I live in Los Angeles and I walk everywhere. I do like to pile on sunscreen, though.
Kirkland Signature Vitamin D, Vitamin D deficiency

Multivitamin – I don’t know if  I really need it a multivitamin since I drink Shakeology and I eat 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies everyday. However,  I once read that you’d have to eat THREE apples today to get the same nutrition you got from ONE apple 40 years ago. I do love apples, but three is a bit excessive so multivitamin it is.
Kirkland Signature Daily Multi

CoQ10 – co-enzyme is supposed to support aging and I’m vain so there it is. Helping in exercise recovery is a bonus!
Coenzyme Q-10

Here they all are – easy peasy.
Monday through Friday pill box

Do you take vitamins and supplements or do you think they’re hooey?

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14 thoughts on “Vitamins and Supplements

  1. Due to a health issue I do take vitamins and minerals.
    I have been doing this with the daily pill reminder for sometime. I hate when it is empty and I have to fill it. It is just something that takes a bit of time but I am happy when I have done it because then I do not have to do it for a bit. (I have two so I have two weeks worth.

  2. I’ve had it on my calendar almost every day for a month to organize my vitamins! Thanks for the inspiration! (I am also Vitamin D Deficient).

  3. I didn’t know about CoQ10 and cell recovery. Pretty cool. I take a multi, cinnamon, B12, and Fish Oil. I don’t know if supplements are hooey, so but I know that if I don’t take my Fish Oil, I am much more stressed. It’s so strange, but it works!

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