beauty and fitness

Workout Wednesday Link Up

Today’s workout was P90X Shoulders & Arms. This is one of my favorites. I was determined to bring it today and I did!

Shoulders & Arms

Since we’re in Phase 3 of P90X, we haven’t done this workout in a while and I’ve missed it! And I’m really happy to see how I’ve progressed. One of the key elements of P90X is writing down each exercise – how many reps, what weight or band did you use – so you can really see how your body is getting stronger as you go along. It’s very encouraging to know that two months ago, I couldn’t do as many chair dips as I did today.

Then we followed up with Ab Ripper X. Each move should be 25 reps, but there are a few where I just can’t quite get there (V-up Roll-ups, I’m talking to you). But I’m getting closer each time.
If you’re interested in P90X, there are a couple more days until the October promotion for P90X ends. Buy it here! I promise you, your life will change. It sure as heck has changed mine. I mean, waking up at 4:30am to exercise? Unfathomable a few years ago.

Today I’m linking up with Skinny Meg for Workout Wednesday.


What’s your favorite workout?

3 thoughts on “Workout Wednesday Link Up

  1. I am still in awe of your early morning workouts. i tend to be an evening person myself, but then there are so many times when unwinding with dinner and a glass of wine sounds better. I like how morning workouts give you energy all day; I just can’t seem to get moving in the morning.

  2. I have been doing skinny Meg’s video off late. (OK 3 days LOL)
    I love treadmill but I am sort of getting bored.
    Looking for a ST that will make me do all the reps.
    I cant do JM… just too tough and I am sort of intidimated

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