beauty and fitness

A week of workouts

It’s the weekend!

Not one to let funemployment pass me by, I’ve spent a lot of time working out this week. Monday, Wednesday, Friday – I was at the gym for Couch to 5k, P90X weight workouts, and yoga.
Tuesday was a nice long hike (9.5 miles), Thursday was more yoga.

On Friday I declared myself a graduate of Couch to 5k. I did the Week 9, Day 1 workout (5 minute walk, 30 minute run, 5 minute walk), skipping Weeks 7 and 8. I realized that the jog was mental rather than physical, and as long as I went slow and steady, I could get to 30 minutes. I kept my speed at 5.2, dropping down to 5.0 when I felt like quitting. On Monday, I’m going to start the From 5k to 10k podcasts from I won’t get to 60 minutes by the time my 10k rolls around (two weeks! Eeps!) but I’ll get there eventually.

Today was a hike in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Santa Monica Mtns

Somehow we missed the trailhead we wanted to take, so it was a shorter hike than we’d planned. No matter, since we were on flat terrain for a while, we did some running.
Good thing, too, because yesterday I signed up for a 10k trail run in May.

ocean view

We could see the ocean from the trail! As beautiful as it was, I doubt we’ll return to the Santa Monica Mountains. The drive there was longer than the hike, thanks to a lane closure on the 110.

On the way home, we stopped at my favorite spot on PCH for our picnic.beachActually, it might be my favorite spot on Earth.

How is your weekend going?

8 thoughts on “A week of workouts

  1. your hiking trail is beautiful! This makes me miss the ocean so much and def has me wanting to drive to the mountains. You’re lucky to have such nice areas for exercising and relaxing! Great job on the C25K :)) do you ever have shin splints? I only ask b/c when I slow my pace I get them really badly. Gonna check out that podcast, I’ve never heard of it before and I have a 10K coming up too!

    1. I really am fortunate to live here; I don’t take it for granted!

      No shin splints…but my ankles were cramped, as if I didn’t fully extend them or something. Hmm.

      Good luck on your 10K!

  2. Oh, what a view! I lived in San Diego for 6 years during my fat times and never went hiking – I hate that I missed those opportunities to hike in such a beautiful area! And I HEART the PCH! Great for you for finishing the C25K – I can’t wait to get there!

  3. Good luck on your upcoming 10K! Mine is next weekend and I am nervous. I don’t know why, but I am. I know it will be fine. I won’t run the entire time, but that’s okay. At least I’m doing it! That hike sounds awesome!
    Lulu and Daisy

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