beauty and fitness

Alternative Activities for a Healthy Body

Everyone knows that it’s important to have a healthy body, but it’s just a fact that some people aren’t as enthused about joining and regularly attending a gym as other people. And really, you can’t blame them. While some people see the potential benefits of the gym and power through, some people are crippled by the sense that the gym isn’t all that interesting and also slightly intimidating. The good news is that there are plenty of other ways besides joining a gym to achieve a healthy body. We take a look at four fun options below.

cross country skiing



Climbing Up


Do you remember when you were young, and you’d happily venture off into the wild, and scramble over anything that looked like it could be scrambled over? All that time, you were getting as fit as a fiddle. There are plenty of reasons to enjoy climbing (and bouldering); it’s fun, challenging, social, and can get you into nature. It’s also insanely good for your core strength. If you live anywhere near an urban area, there’ll be a rock climbing center near you. Head down and try a taster session – you’ll see how fun it is, and how much your arms hurt the following day.


Martial Arts


Want to get fit, get your mind into good shape, and have the ability to defend yourself should you find yourself getting attacked? Then take a look at judo. It’s a martial art that’s big on fitness, mental goodness, and respect for your body. You’ll need to find a class near you, and also get an outfit. Take a look at so that you turn up looking the part, too. Over time, you’ll find that your strength is improving, your mind is clearer, and you feel more confident walking home late at night.


Cross-Country Skiing


Many people enjoy downhill skiing, but in truth, it’s not all that good for your physical condition. The brother of downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, however, is fantastic for your body. It can also be amazingly therapeutic. It’ll be just you (plus whoever you take with you), the snow, and the woods. Give yourself some time to feel the effects, but don’t overdo it during your first outing – once you’re back and showered, you’ll discover just how much of a workout you’ve given your muscles. Of course, it goes without saying that you need to live somewhere that receives plenty of snow to make this a regular occurrence.


Getting Around


You could get your daily dose of fitness just by choosing a physically exerting way to get from A to B. Skating, for instance, will have you sweating in no time, as will cycling if you choose a challenging route. These options are better for the environment, and also better for you overall, too – it’s much more fun to zip around town on a skateboard than it is to be in a car, stuck in traffic.


Do one, two, or more of these, and you’ll be fit in no time.


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