beauty and fitness

Audio Technica Sonic Fuel ATH-CKX9 In-Ear Headphones Giveaway!

Audio Technica Sonic Fuel ATH-CKX9 In-Ear Headphones

Guys, when I got back from Mexico last week, this was in my mailbox.


Sweet! I always need new headphones; I am one sweaty betty and mine are constantly sparking out so I buy cheap ones. These Audio Technica Sonic Fuel ATH-CKX9 In-Ear Headphones are definitely not cheap; they’re pretty freaking awesome because:

  • They stay in your ears. This is important for runners and prolific sweaters like me. These haven’t slipped out of my ears, not once, and I’ve worn them for 6 or 7 runs now.
  • They’re made for smart phones, so you can pause your music, answer your phone, or adjust volume without having to pull out your phone. Mere words cannot express my love for this feature.
  • The headphones come with various sizes of ear tips so they’re more comfortable.


As you can see, Audio Technica sent me two sets of headphones! As tempted as I am to keep them both for myself, one lucky reader will get these incredible headphones, too! (US Only, please)

Just fill in the Rafflecopter below for your chances to win and good luck!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

50 thoughts on “Audio Technica Sonic Fuel ATH-CKX9 In-Ear Headphones Giveaway!

  1. I’m intrigued by the fact that these come with different size ear tips. Earbuds don’t generally fit my ears but this makes me think these could be worth a shot!

  2. I really need to find a good set of earphones. The only ones that work for me so far are the old school rap studio ones that are huge and go over your ears, because I sweat so very much! Annnnd, the in-ear head phones hurt my ears. I must have mis-shaped ears or something because I seriously have yet to find a comfortable pair. I also can’t stand when they fall out…it frustrates me! If these are as good as you say, I am going to have to give em a shot!

  3. Hi! Even though I live in Florida, it’s been cold here. 30’s at night and 50’s during the day. That’s cold for us. lol Thank-you!!

  4. Funny you should ask. We’ve had very little snow this winter, but just this evening we had a “snow squall”. Very high wind gusts.

  5. I live in the Deep South and it was gorgeous today but everyone is excited that we MIGHT have snow next week! That is a huge deal around here!

  6. The Santa Ana’s handed me an allergy fueled weekend. Yes it was hot, but I couldn’t complain about that! I look at pictures from my hometown and just can’t believe I lived in that for 50 years.

  7. I snowed all night but now the sun is out and the snow is melting. Looks like it is going to be a pretty nice day for a Tuesday!

  8. Love the headphones! I am re-reading “Without Warning” by Eugenia Lovett West. It is currently rather cold in my neck of the woods…

  9. Although it’s supposed to be 55 today here in Colorado Springs today, this weekend it’s supposed to snow up to 18 inches. We haven’t had much of a winter here, so I guess it’s our turn. 🙂

  10. i was thinking of buy Sennheiser Momentum at first, but after few reviews of those and Audio Technica Sonic Fuel ATH-CKX9, i think will chose these. I need to use them when moving, not running or fitness, but walking on street, bus and other small activities – so i think these will fit bettter for that role because i need something to stay in my ear and have a decent sound. I heard they have great sound, can’t wait for get them! 🙂

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