Today I went for a more simple look, mainly because I was running late.

Another winner from Aromaleigh (why haven’t I been using these blushes all along?!). This is the perfect everyday blush. A bit pink, a bit peach, not a lot of shimmer but enough so that it’s not matte. Unfortunately Nectar was discontinued, but Aromaleigh is rolling out more old favorites so it might make a comeback. It should make a comeback; this sort of color is a staple in the makeup bag of every fair- or light- complected woman.
I also wore Aromaleigh Dewdrop foundation in 2Y. Now, I never thought I’d be someone to wear a foundation for dry skin, but Retin-A, recirculated office air, and Santa Ana winds made my face feel kind of tight the last few days. Or maybe it’s just normal but I’m used to being an oil slick. Anyway, I have mad love for this foundation, even more than I liked Gossamer. Dewdrop is smooth. I have giant pores and a few pits, but Dewdrop just glided over, where as most foundations settle in a bit even with primer. No breakthrough shine either, nothing to make me feel like I’m oily. I didn’t even blot today! I’m waiting for this to go on sale and I’m snapping it up. (I did say I’m cheap)
When I got home from work, I did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance. I held back a bit, because it was a lot of jumping and I’m afraid of the downstairs neighbor complaining again. It’s also pretty tough to exercise after work, but I got it done.
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