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Book Review: The Cuckoo’s Calling (no spoilers)

When the news broke that The Cuckoo’s Calling was written by JK Rowling under a pseudonym, I had to read it! I’m glad I didn’t let the disappointment from The Casual Vacancy put me off, because this was an entertaining read.

cuckoos calling

No, it wasn’t the multi-volume series about Neville Longbottom’s family that I pine for (his grandmother needs her own book, yes?), but it is a good old-fashioned British murder mystery with a few modern elements (celebrity culture, war in Afghanistan). I took my time reading this book because I didn’t want it to end! But when it did, I was shocked at the outcome.

The ending hinted at future books about private investigator Cormoran Strike cracking cases that the Met was unable to solve, but perhaps JKR wanted to write it anonymously and won’t now follow through with a series. I hope she does!

Have you read this book? Any recommendations for me?

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