beauty and fitness

Boost Your Workout Using Kettlebells

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We’ve all noticed the people in the corner of the gym swinging kettlebells; the movements along are hard to miss, you might even have tried them yourself, but there are many reasons to include them in your general workout regime. Kettlebells are more than a convenient weight training option; they are also an excellent way to train the posterior chain and burn more fat. 

Simplify Training 

Ask most personal trainers, and they tell you there are two ways to train, with weights and without them; but kettlebells are an alternative. Using kettlebells, you can increase core strength, flexibility, and muscle mass with a combination of natural body strength and convenient weights. 


Kettlebells can be stored easily in the trunk of the car, the cupboard at home, or in the bedroom wardrobe; there is no need to have a home gym with apparatus for weight training. The body weight, in combination with a kettlebell, is usually enough to improve your overall conditioning.   

Substitute Cardio 

Natural body workouts at can be significantly enhanced by introducing kettlebells. Kettlebells have a high rep range meaning that multiple muscles are worked at once; if used correctly, kettlebell training can have the same impact as high-intensity aerobic training in terms of burned calories. 


Studies show that a twenty miniature kettlebell snatch workout burns the same number of calories as running a six-minute mile, and a kettlebell workout three times a week can increase your VO2 max, which is the rate at which your heart, lungs, and muscles use oxygen effectively. 

Posterior Strength 

The posterior chain is located on the backside of the body; it includes the glutes, hamstrings, calves, lats, and rear shoulder muscles. The posterior chain is important for athletic activities and sports, but these muscle groups can be difficult to train well using conventional weights. 


Kettlebells use a swinging motion that is unlike other fixed weights, and the motion, in combination with the weight, offers excellent value for the posterior chain. Kettlebell training helps to build strength in these key areas as well as increase the heart rate and burn fat.  

Better Movement 

If you are new to an exercise regime or you have some mobility issues due to age or injury, you could benefit from some kettlebell training. If you are trying to improve the strength of your posterior chain but struggle with barbell back squats, kettlebell training could be an alternative. 


Kettlebell training is less intense than barbell back squats and gives you a chance to build the muscle group slowly. When you’re ready, you can decide to move onto heavier weights and more repetitions, or you could stick with the kettlebell training but increase the weights used.  

Muscle Imbalances 

Barbells and fixed weights have their advantages, but they fall short when it comes to muscle balance. Often, athletes using conventional weights favor their stronger side to get them through the movements or sets, but that’s not possible using kettlebells. When using kettlebells, you train each side independently, giving natural strength training to the weaker sides of the body as well.    


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