beauty and fitness

Bored Of The Same Old Workouts? How To Inject Fun Into Your Fitness Regime

Even the most dedicated gym-goers can get bored of working out from time to time. If you’ve lost motivation, and you’re struggling to summon up the energy to leave the couch, we’ve got you covered! Here are some simple ways to inject fun into your fitness regime.

Try something new

When you go to the gym, you set up a home workout, or you go for a run, do you tend to use the same machines, do the same exercises or take the same route? If so, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. One of the best ways to make fitness more fun is to vary your workouts and try new things. Combine cardio training with strength exercises, swap the indoors for the outdoors and explore new areas when you go jogging, hiking or cycling. If you gravitate towards the treadmill, or you go jogging every day, why not do a high pull workout, take a virtual circuit training or HIIT class, or swap a run for a Pilates, street dance or spin session? You might not enjoy every activity you try, but you’re bound to find sports or exercises you want to do again. Switching up your regime is also an excellent way to work the whole body and improve overall fitness and stamina.


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Get your friends involved

You might not be able to go to the gym with your buddies at the moment due to lockdown measures, but it is possible to hang out and get fit together by exercising outdoors or doing the same online workouts. Having a friend to chat to or compete against will make your sessions more enjoyable, and you might also find that you push yourself harder when there’s an element of friendly competition. If you have kids, you can also get them involved with home workouts and family bike rides.

Create a playlist

Music has the ability to affect our moods. From slow jams and ballads to dance floor fillers and club classics, listening to tunes can make you feel calm, relaxed, energetic or happy. If you’re planning to go for a run, or you’ve got a circuit set up in the backyard, create a playlist that will motivate you and make the session more uplifting. Choose songs and tracks that will encourage you to work hard and opt for tunes that you love and you want to sing along to. House music is brilliant for sprinting and HIIT and boxing sessions, while chilled out tunes are ideal for yoga and Pilates.


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Set yourself a challenge

We all try harder when we’re competing with other people or we have a specific target in mind. When you’re working out, try and set yourself a challenge for every session. This could be beating a personal best time, running a little bit further than usual or completing an extra set of burpees, sit-ups or pull-ups, for example. If you’ve got a goal in mind, this will motivate you to eke out an extra bit of energy and you’ll feel great afterwards.


Reward yourself

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the energy and drive to work out. If you’re struggling to keep up with your training program, reward yourself. If you manage to get up early in the morning to go cycling or running every day, or you make time for an online HIIT class between work calls, treat yourself. Take a long, leisurely bath, put your favorite TV series on, or order something you’ve spotted while browsing the virtual aisles.


Go outside

Many of us have been spending much more time at home over the last few months. If you’re keen to spice up your training regime, why not get out into the great outdoors and enjoy some fresh air? There’s a whole host of activities you can try if you fancy a break from the exercise bike or you’re desperate to get out of the house. Examples include hiking, mountain biking, surfing, kayaking, rock climbing and outdoor yoga. Spending time in the open air is proven to be beneficial for your mental health and it can break up the day and increase energy levels. If your daily routine has become mundane during the crisis, going out once a day will give you something to look forward to.


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Is your fitness regime getting stale, or are you finding it increasingly difficult to stay motivated? One of the most important things to check off your list when working towards exercise goals is having fun. If you feel like you’re not working out, or you enjoy the activities you’re doing on a daily basis, you stand a much better chance of hitting your targets.

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