beauty and fitness

Easing Yourself Into Your Fitness Regime

Just about everybody you speak to will have a fitness regime for the new year. I’ll let you in on a little secret: only a handful of these people will stick to it. Are you going to be one of the people that sticks to your regime, or one of the people who fails and has all manor of excuses to back them up? Read on to learn more….

People Who Won’t Stick to Their Regime

The people who won’t stick to their routine all pretty much think the same things and have the same goals. They want to see results as quickly as possible. They don’t really know what they should be doing. They aren’t looking at this regime as a lifestyle change.

People Who Will Stick to Their Regime

The people who will stick to their regime know that this change is for life, not just for the month after new year. They realise that getting fit is a journey, and it will be hard work. They’re willing to enjoy the process and don’t care how long it takes, or how many set backs they have.

power lifter

greg westfall

Which category do you fall into? The mind is a powerful tool, and you can achieve anything you tell yourself you can achieve. Change your mindset and you can get the body you’ve always wanted, as well as stay healthy and happy.

Easing Yourself Into Your Fitness Regime

Nobody expects you to start lifting the heaviest barbell or running the most miles if you’re new to health and fitness. You need to ease yourself into it. The best thing to do is pit yourself against yourself, rather than comparing yourself to others. Never worry about what others are doing around you. As long as you can say you’ve bettered your past self, you’re winning!

  • Ease yourself into your regime by working out just 3 times per week, and keep this up. When you feel ready, you can add on more workouts until you’re doing 5-6 per week. These workout plan recommendations should help.
  • Always have at least 1 rest day. Your body needs rest just as much as exercise!
  • Never spend too long in the gym or working out. This either means you’re not working out hard enough, or you’re overtraining. Either way, you won’t get the results you want from it.
  • Eat to fuel your workouts. You can’t get fantastic results if you’re trying to out-train a bad diet.
  • Always do a mix of different workout styles to keep things interesting. Your body needs cardio and resistance exercises to get the best results both inside and outside.
  • Health should be a priority too, not just what you look like. You should feel great after your workouts and begin to feel better in general.
  • Record progress by keeping a diary and progress photos. Don’t just weigh yourself, as this representation of progress can be inaccurate.

Now you’re ready to start your new year fitness regime. Remember to enjoy the process and be consistent!

What are your fitness goals for the New Year?

8 thoughts on “Easing Yourself Into Your Fitness Regime

  1. I’m actually pretty good with my diet the first quarter of the year .. I’m so sick of baked goods that I’m done with them.

    For fitness, I’m starting off slow .. just some home yoga dvd’s and will build from there. My main goal is to try Cross-Fit .. but we’ll see.


  2. When I belonged to a gym when I lived in Atlanta, I always hate January. The gym would be flooded by people, and each week….a few less would show up. By mid-February it was back to the same old crowd that was there the year before plus maybe 5 newbies. That is why I don’t make resolutions but rather seasonal goals. Ones that are attainable.

    It is so important to ease into a healthy lifestyle and realize that it is a lifestyle change and not something temporary that you can give up when you see results. Everyone is looking for a secret to losing weight…but it is just picking up the fork less and getting off the couch more!

    1. Ah yes, the Resolutioners! I think they go in too hard; you’re totally right that it’s not a temporary change.

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