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Being Forever Young: Is It Possible?


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The idea of being forever young sounds like a pipedream for many people. Aging is just a part of life, we’re told, and there’s not a great deal we can do about it. 

But is that entirely true? 

Well, maybe not. As more research gets done, people are discovering that aging is more malleable than they thought. Slowing down the aging process seems more feasible than ever before.

But what exactly should you be doing? As always, the answer is a little complicated and counterintuitive. Sure, lifestyle plays a role, but technology is also getting better at keeping people young. Developments are proceeding rapidly, and professionals are coming up with new techniques all the time to slow things down, or even reverse the progression of age-related changes. 

For instance, you can learn more on this page about the impact of mini-facelifts. Instead of going through major surgery, the idea now is to perform minor corrective work in areas of the face requiring it. The technique is popular among people with “filler fatigue” who saw benefits from using regular fillers in their forties, but are no longer seeing the same kind of results now they are older. 

We’re also seeing the emergence of hyper-personalized exercise routines. Trainers are using technology to evaluate a person’s response to training to determine what type of routine to prescribe. Some only need to exercise once every couple of weeks, while others need to train hard almost daily to see benefits. It all depends on biology. 

So, what else can keep you young? 

Being Young At Heart

Strangely, merely being young at heart can be sufficient to keep wrinkles at bay and prevent some of the corollaries of aging, like frailty. People with a youthful, upbeat attitude are significantly less likely to age rapidly than those who are less inclined in that direction. It turns out that these people have a kind of self-belief that informs their actions which, in turn, seems to affect the aging process. Believing you are younger actually seems to result in a lower biological age. 

Having Connections

Surrounding yourself with positive emotional connections also appears to slow down the aging process and keep you young. Having positive, light-hearted relationships with people close to you appears to keep you younger for longer. 

Again science isn’t quite sure why this is the case. But it may be because it improves feelings of relaxation and improves emotional control. People who have healthy minds are more likely to have healthy bodies since the two connect. 

Better Food

Another thing you can do to stay younger is to eat better food. Most of the world relies on processed foods which are cheap and palatable, but don’t provide adequate nutrition. Many people get most of their calories from refined ingredients, such as sugar and flour, which don’t contain protective nutrients that keep disease at bay. 

Ultimately, technology will drive the anti-aging revolution, but even today there are things people can do to slow the process. Staying out of the sun, eating well, and having plenty of connections are all proven to work across cultures. 

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