beauty and fitness

Half-Marathon Training

I’ve been loosely following the Jeff Galloway half marathon training plan – it seemed like a good place to start since it incorporates walk breaks. But I think I can do better than a 30-minute run twice a week, so my modified strategy is to pop on the treadmill and run as much as I can while catching up with my TV boyfriend Alex Walkinshaw the medical drama Casualty. YouTube can keep me entertained for ~48 minutes. Today, this plan worked very well!

July 31

I have never in my life run for 50 minutes without taking a walk break. I just kept going! Could I have gone for an hour? I think I could have, but my sister was waiting and the episode had finished, and I was kind of amazed that I’d gone that far.
Never doubt the distraction qualities of television! (Something all parents probably already know). Now on to Long Run Sunday! I skipped it last weekend in favor of hiking, so I’ve got to psyche myself up for it.

What’s your favorite TV show?

9 thoughts on “Half-Marathon Training

  1. That’s awesome! The best part is, soon you will even surpass that record and be like, WHAT? I ran 6 miles? Then it will be, WHAT, I ran 8 miles?! I think that’s the best part about training, maybe even better than the race itself.

  2. Congratulations! That is awesome that you ran your furthest without needing to take a walking break!

    As for my favorite tv show I haven’t been able to watch too much lately, but I love The Amazing Race. I love seeing where they will be going and learning about the different cultures. I’m looking forward to when they start a new season.

  3. Great job!!! I’m so very proud of you. So, I haven’t been into a sitcom since Gossip Girl ended. I’m a huge sucker for reality tv, daytime talk shows and Oprahs Super Soul Sunday. Keep up the great work- very inspirational

  4. I am so impressed with you! Keep up the great work. I know it can’t be easy with everything you have to juggle, but you make it sound so easy. Since I last checked in, I have started my Couch to 5K training. I made it the whole week even though I was in charge of an evening Vacation Bible School which started right after my full day of work. I did it and I’m proud of myself. My body hurts, but I feel better mentally. Thanks for being a part of my support system.

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