It’s time to get some stuff off my chest!
-Why, WHY do merchants in Mexico put up such a fight when I don’t have small change to pay for something?! It’s not as if the local 7-11 doesn’t have change for a 100 peso note (~$8)! It irritates the h3ll out of me when cashiers sigh and hold my Big Bill up to the light to check to make sure it’s not counterfeit (if they deign to sell to me at all with my Big Bills).
-I may or may not have added a Magnum bar to my last purchase at the convenience store next to the hotel because I didn’t want to get hassled about using a 50 peso note ($4) for my liter of water.
-I have not turned on the TV in my hotel room once. How will I ever be part of Mexican society if I don’t watch novelas?
-I’m ashamed that I didn’t tip the cleaning folks for the first two weeks I was here. Now I just wait to see them and I’ll slip them some money so they think that’s the way I planned it lest they get the wrong idea about me.

-I may or may not have made myself a cheese and tomato sandwich at the breakfast buffet and stuck it in a ziplock bag that I just happened to have in my purse…
What do you want to get off your chest? Now’s your chance!
This post contains my Beachbody affiliate link.
Thanks for supporting Blush and Barbells, and good luck on your fitness journey.
Lol go put on that TV girl! And have a blast in Mexico!
I’ve seen those Magnum bars they look very decadent! worth it or not??
I cannot wait to try one of this bars!! Looks delishh!! 😉 XO
I want to go to Mexico so bad although not sure how much I will be able to fit in, South Africa is very different to the latin society lol
Nice way to economize with the buffet! The Magnum Bar was smart too- totally needed.
Haha I love that you packed up a buffet sandwich. Totally legit. They never said WHEN you had to eat it.
those ice cream bars are delish!
i’m pmsing so bad right now i need to stuff that mangnum bar into my face.
thanks for linking up!
I have not had a Magnum bar yet, but gosh that sounds delicious!!!
Ooo those Magnum bars look delicious. I always laugh at the suggestive commercials. And that is absolutely hilarious that you packed a buffet sandwich! Ha!!
This is absolutely hilarious, hey, if a baggie just happened to be in your handbag, well so be it. It couldn’t stay empty! I have no shame doing similar things either, those adorable little Nutella packets can’t just be tossed can they? 🙂
I agree about the big bills bit. Especially in smaller shops. The Magnum bars are delish, I don’t think they have them in the States right?