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January Literary Junkies Link-Up

It’s time for another Literary Junkies link-up with Taylor from Pink Heels Pink Truck and Christine from Life with a Side of Coffee. I get so many great book recommendations from this link-up so I really look forward to it every month.
Literary Junkies Link-up

Here are this month’s questions:

1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it.
I’ve been reading The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty. The story is about a woman to accompanies a teenage Louise Brooks to New York City where she attends a dance academy. It’s really a book about the woman’s self-discovery and I read it voraciously!
The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
2. Out of the 16 books that will be turned into a movie adaptation, which one are you most looking forward to seeing this year? (Article Link)
Probably Divergent by Veronica Roth. I’ve read a lot about the series so I put it on hold at the library.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
3. What was the worst book you’ve ever read?
I usually stop reading books that don’t interest me, so I’ll have to go with anything by Henry James that was forced, FORCED on me in high school.
4. What foods or beverages have you spilled on a book while reading? Anything good?
I dropped a lot of Girl Scout Cookie crumbs into the pages of my law school books.
Girl Scout Cookies, Samoas, Thin Mints, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils
Noah by Elizabeth ReyesTaylor Lautner shirtless5. Do you pictures characters as popular film or tv actors? Or do you create a whole new person in your head?
While reading Noah by Elizabeth Reyes, I totally pictured Noah as Taylor Lautner. Generally, though, I don’t associate book characters with actors. 


6. Out of all the authors you’ve read books by, who’s brain would you want to pick the most?

Maybe Alexander McCall Smith. He must know people like his characters – do they recognize themselves in his books?

What are you reading these days? Any recommendations for me?



12 thoughts on “January Literary Junkies Link-Up

  1. I’m currently reading Throne of Glass , by Sarah J. Maas .. this is probably in the young adult, fantasy, category.

    Worst book I’ve ever read: Allegiant by Veronica Roth (hated the ending) and Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (sick and twisted psycho story).

    Book on deck: The China Study (nutrition)


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