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Literary Junkies Link-Up for August

Yes, it’s a week late, but what can you do?
Pink Heels Pink Truck
Here are this month’s questions:

1. What are you reading? Tell us about it!
I’m currently reading Go Pro by Eric Worre. This book gives step-by-step instructions on building a network marketing business. I make a little bit of money as a Beachbody coach, but I’m really inspired by people who’ve made this their full time job.

2. Do you read one book at a time, or read multiple books at once?
I might have two books on the go if one of them is personal development or a business-building book. I stick to one novel at a time.

3. What is the first book that made you fall in love with reading?
Charlotte’s Web – I remember being so excited to start the 3rd grade because it was required reading.

4. Do you prefer a physical copy of the book or an electronic version?
E-books have completely changed my reading habits. I read so much more now. I have an e-reader app on my phone and tablet so I always have a book available. I love using my local library even when I’m in a different country! I’m very excited about the new Kindle Unlimited service, too. All I need is wifi and I’ve got a ton of reading options.

5. What are three books currently on your To Be Read list?
*Out of Africa (inspired by Independent Travel Cats’ Instagram photos)
*The Compound Effect by Darrin Hardy (another business-building book)
*Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

What are you reading?

I'd love to hear from you

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