beauty and fitness

More Capsule Wardrobe Planning

I just had a major closet and drawer purge. More perfectly good clothes in a donation bag; I think I’ll take those to Out of the Closet. My suits and blazers will go to Dress for Success but first I’ll pass over my accessories to see if there are any that I can include. I’ve got too many earring/necklace sets.I’m a little bit regretful of the money I’ve wasted on clothes that never fit properly or did not flatter me (seriously, why on earth would I ever buy pants that say right on the label “straight hip and thigh”?? Nothing could describe me less) But, maybe these items work for another woman. I weeded through some party clothes that I never wear anymore either.
I’ve reserved a few things that I’ll try to eBay during my next funemployment phase, but for the most part, my closet is looking much more manageable.

Things I still need to work on:

  1. Hello Kitty t-shirts. I’ve got way too many and I need to narrow those down.
  2. USC gear. I could pretty much wear a different USC top every day of the football season.
  3. I should replace some hangers with nicer ones.
  4. My worn-out workout clothes need to be tossed!

Have you done a closet make-under?

6 thoughts on “More Capsule Wardrobe Planning

  1. Yes, I agree that your USC gear should be thrown out… I meant donated, preferably to a far off land. Hmm, Siberia comes to mind, since I doubt anyone in the western hemisphere would be interested.

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