beauty and fitness

Pasadena 10K

Today was my fourth and final 10K. I was really excited about this course, since I like running on the streets of familiar cities. It gives a totally different perspective!

This route was from Pasadena City College, down Colorado, through the courtyard of gorgeous city hall, back on Colorado through Old Town, and over Suicide Colorado Street Bridge, and back again.

When I hit the finish line, I ran (literally) into Monica from Run, Eat, Repeat! I was excited to meet her, but later two things occurred to me: 1) She finished her half at the same time that I finished my 10K; and 2) She probably thinks I’m some weird blog stalker. She was gracious even though I was completely unable to form a coherent sentence at the time.

Today was HOT! And I didn’t sleep much the night before; I even had a weird dream that I was late for the 10K and had to run the route all alone. So this was the slowest street 10K I’ve done (I was slower on the trail run, but half of that was uphill).

Here’s the recap:


Overall, not terrible. I’ve been reading Jeff Galloway’s website for half-marathon training, and he says when running in the heat, you should expect to add 30 seconds to your average pace, and that seems about right.
This was a good experience and I’m glad I did it!

3 thoughts on “Pasadena 10K

  1. Well done!! I’m very proud of you 🙂

    It seems I have to take a break in my running. My knee is acting up again. I had runner’s knee last fall and it feels like it’s coming back so must take it easy and let it get better.

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