Here is my usual lunch:PB&J in a Hello Kitty sandwich box. Cuz I’m mature like that.
Trader Joe’s has a nice variety of peanut butter. I used to love the one that had added flax seeds, but it hasn’t made a return since it was recalled because of that salmonella crisis a couple of years ago.
Because of the salmonella recall, Costco stocked this instead of their house brand. I used to eat Laura Scudder’s as a kid so it was an acceptable replacement.
However, Kirkland brand peanut butter at Costco is my absolute favorite. And now it comes in chunky! Before the salmonella scandal, my local Costco only had smooth. If only Costco would make a package with one of each…
As an aside, why should we have to worry about contamination of such an American staple? There is something seriously wrong with food safety in our country.
It’s hardly a coincidence that this is my desktop wallpaper and absolute most favorite painting in the entire world:
If it weren’t for him, what would American schoolchildren eat instead?!
Chunky or Smooth?
I LOVE the natural, chunky peanut butter from TJ’s that you have to stir up before you eat. Peanut butter shouldn’t be a consistent texture; the fact that you have to stir it tells you it’s legit, IMO.
The pre-stirred stuff is kind of gross with all the added ingredients.
i switched to almond butter!! it’s probably the same thing but it’s so yummy
I can’t really get behind almond butter. It’s not bad, but it’s not as good as PB. #TeamPB
Love natural peanut butter too. Chunk or smooth, it doesn’t matter. Love it in a sandwich, smoothie or along with an apple, banana or crackers. Stopping by via #SITSBlogging
That’s the beauty of peanut butter – it goes with pretty much everything. Try it in oatmeal too!
We use natural peanut butter right now. I love it, even if it has to be stirred. I’ll get Jif, Skippy or Peter Pan, just has to be natural and creamy. I just had some with an apple…and then b/c it didn’t satify my PB craving on a piece of toast with honey
Stopping by from #SITSBlogging!
Oh peanut butter and honey is phenomenal! Sometimes I use on my sandwiches instead of jam.
I’m a smooth girl, although I do put chunky into no-bake cookies. Gives it a little something extra!
ooh no-bake cookies – that sounds divine!
PB is my FAVE! We do buy ours from Trader Joes. I like chunky but I have been buying creamy because that is what the family likes. I think I am going to go crazy and buy myself a jar of chunky this week. Stopping by from SITSblogging
Sure, why not have both varieties on hand!
Smooth! Me and the hubby fight over this all the time. I keep the pantry fully stocked with both chunky and smooth peanut butter at all times so that we stay happy. BTW, I absolutely love that painting at the bottom. Great choice for a favorite!
It’s a beautiful portrait just by itself, never mind that the subject was a genius, even beyond creating peanut butter!
I could LIVE off PB. I love both, but prefer chunky. Coconut PB is my fave, but I’ll eat pretty much any brand
I mainly just look for natural ingredients.
Coconut PB?! I have never seen this wondrous creation.
I like both, but I prefer smooth peanut butter. Hubby usually buys organic PB and sometimes chocolate peanut butter (yummy). PB is a stable in our house, I have up to 3 jars because hubby buys it in bulk or on sale. Wish we had a Trader Joe’s nearby. Visiting from SITS!
Having a few jars on hand is essential in my household too!
I totally love smooth! I was just telling someone how we love pbutter in our house–I just made some energy bars with some peanut butter and threw in some flaxseed. I am so thankful that none of my kids are allergic to it! Coming by from #SITSBlogging.
Holy moley that sounds delicious. Do you have the recipe?
George Washington Carver! I’m from Missouri (like he is) so we learn all about him in elementary school. Truly an American hero. I am jealous that you have some many great shopping options (CostCo & TJs) — we just have Sam’s and regular grocery stores where I live.
He is definitely one of our greatest Americans. His scientific contributions to our everyday lives is incredible.
Who created the painting? I like chunky peanut butter better. I don’t have a brand that I enjoy the most, but I do like natural peanut better a bit better. #SITS
It’s by Betsey Graves Reneau and it’s at the National Portrait Gallery. Thanks for stopping by!