beauty and fitness

Is It Possible To Look Stylish While Working Out?

When you look good, you feel good. That’s something you should take into account when you’re off to work out. Indeed, this very reason is why a lot of people want to look stylish when they’re off for a run or down the gym. If you’re one of those people, this is the post for you! It’s possible to still feel fashionable and confident when you’re sweating up a storm; check out our tips below. 

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Feel Comfortable First

Feeling comfortable is essential when dedicating your time to a fitness routine. You’re going to feel the burn here and there, but you should never feel constricted or too loose in your clothing at the same time. 

For example, if you need to protect your chest, measure yourself properly and invest in a few sports bras that’ll keep you snug. All in all, the more comfortable you feel when working out, the more stylish you’re going to come across, no matter what you’re wearing. 

Buy Clothes That Don’t Show Sweat

Sweating doesn’t exactly feel good, but if you’re always worried about sweat patches showing around your neck and underarms, you’re going to be more concerned about the way it looks. That’s totally understandable! 

It’s why buying clothing that’s made of airy material is best. You’re going to sweat anyway, but the better the outfit is constructed, the more that sweat is just going to wipe off or be concealed underneath. Make sure you take plenty of stops to catch your breath and have a drink of water too! 

Think About Designing Your Own Uniform

If you like to take part in team sports throughout your fitness routine, designing your own ‘kit’ or pitching in to get new flag football uniforms done for the whole team is great for retaining your usual style. 

You can look like the best version of yourself in a full strip that complements your skin tone and body shape, which can be a worry for anyone with curves. It will also ensure you’re much happier to take photos and/or videos of yourself when exercising, which can help you track your progress over time or allow you to examine your form when watching back. 

Wear Colors That Suit You

You probably already know what colors suit you, so why not invest in workout clothing only in those shades and tones? Fitness gear doesn’t only come in black, grey, and white. You can find multiple pieces in green, blue, yellow, red, pink, and purple too. 

Shop around a bit to find the best colors for you, especially if you’re fair skinned and find that your undertone strongly clashes with the dark colors mentioned earlier. The more pieces in your wardrobe, the more stylish your overall workout combinations will be – experiment and have some fun with it!

Dressing to work out doesn’t need to be boring. You can have fun with what you wear without compromising on support or the necessary breathable material for handling sweat! 

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