beauty and fitness

Sunday Social

Social Sunday, A Complete Waste of Makeup

Happy Sunday! I hope you’re all having a great weekend.

1. One item you wish you could splurge on right now:
All the stuff in the Fonart store across the street – the furniture in particular is so beautiful! But how would I ship it home? It will have to wait until I retire here to Mexico.

2. If you had an entire weekend of no plans what would you do?
Since I’m still in Mexico, maybe a weekend trip to Taxco? I would love to do that before I go home.

3. Next place you are visiting outside of your current city?

Volcán Popocatépetl, Puebla
Volcán Popocatépetl, Puebla

I’m in Puebla today! I visited before and I really loved it, so of course I had to register for a 10K in Puebla when I saw it on the schedule.

4. Are you a neat freak or a clutterbug?
Both? I just like to keep my clutter hidden in cupboards and closets.

5. Favorite Summer purchase?
All these piggy banks I’ve bought from street vendors in Mexico City. So cute! And who doesn’t need a piggy bank?

Do you have a piggy bank? If not, where do you put your loose change?

4 thoughts on “Sunday Social

  1. Loved your answers!
    So have you tried nachos, burritos and fajitas yet???
    LOL I am sure you have, but how do they taste IN the city?

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