beauty and fitness

Sunday Social

Good morning! I hope you all had a lovely Saturday!

Today’s Sunday Social is from Girl on a Mission…To Lose the Cushion. There is a definite Teen Theme to this week’s questions!

Sunday Social

1. What was your first car?
1985 Camaro. Or as I like to call it, the bitchen camaro
2. Who was your favorite childhood teacher?
Probably my high school English teacher. She was tough but really pushed me to do my best.
3. Were you involved in any sports/extracurricular activities? Share pictures if you can!
No, but I had after-school and weekend jobs throughout high school. And I thankfully have no pictures of me in my fast-food uniform!
4. What was your favorite birthday party?
My 30th in a Capitol Hill bar in DC. So much fun!
5. Who was your teen celebrity crush?
Luis Miguel? Or maybe Rick Springfield. Totally dating myself here.
6. What show/movie did your parents not allow you to watch?
Almost all of them! I have very little reference to TV shows and movies people discuss nostalgically. But that meant that I got a lot of reading done so it was for the best!

Leave me a link to your answers in the comments!

I'd love to hear from you

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