beauty and fitness

Sunday Social – You better WORK

Sunday Social

1. What is your dream job?
Retiree. I’ve been working for 25 years and I’m ready to relax. I like being funemployed, but I do worry about rent/Sallie Mae/groceries.

2. If you had just won the lottery and didn’t need to work for money, what would you do with your time?
Work out, travel, read.

3. What piece of career advice would you give to someone just starting out in your field?
DON’T. Law school is expensive, there are fewer and fewer jobs each year, and the stress is pretty bad, too.

4. What would be your ideal “just for fun” job?
Barista, tour guide, fitness professional, blogger

5. What was your first “real” job?
I worked at a deli after school when I was 16.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Social – You better WORK

  1. I like the advice on law school, there was a time where I thought I wanted to go into but but it does seem like so much dedication for a very stressful environment!

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