beauty and fitness

Sunday Social – Bloggy blogger bloggerstein

If I do no blogging at all during the week, at least I get in a good Sunday Social! Thanks to Neely for posting this link-up each week.

Sunday Social
1. What is the name of your blog?
Blush and Barbells

2. What do you love most about blogging?
I love meeting people from around the world who have similar interests. Even people with totally different interests! Blogging is such a nice way to be part of a community.

3. Why did you start blogging?
I’m not beautiful and I’m not slim, so talking about my two favorite things (makeup and exercise) exposed me to a lot of hurtful criticism about my splotchy skin, my body shape, my limp hair. But with blogging…it’s almost always kindness and encouragement.

4. What is something you’d want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world?
Switch to a self-hosted WordPress blog as soon as possible!

5. Biggest blogging learning experience you’ve had?
It’s taken about a year but I’m no longer shy about telling real-life people about my blog.

6. What are three blogs you love?
I love lots of blogs! But the types of blogs I love are those in which people like me attempt to become healthier through fitness and healthy eating. I have terrible eating habits, so health-and-fitness blogs are very inspiring and motivational.
I also greatly admire bloggers who are so honest about their struggles and shortcomings. I wish I was that brave.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

8 thoughts on “Sunday Social – Bloggy blogger bloggerstein

  1. Ah! I’m still working on #5 – ie: not being shy to tell real life people about my blog. Getting there though – I’m blogging with my real name, so I figure that’s a start, right? As for motivation – I recently lost quite a bit of weight and I remember reading that one of the tips was to follow healthy people, sites etc… online and on Twitter and such – ie: integrating that sort of reading and thought into daily routine makes it feel like it’s part of who you ARE. I’m actually pretty convinced that works. Good luck!

  2. I love your responses and what you named your blog! I always struggle with fitness and weight loss as well so finding blogs that are on similar tracks as my self. I hope that I can start being a little more personal in my blogs I am guarded enough right now but I am hoping with time and people I ‘meet’ that it’ll help. ♥ Newbie follower from Sunday Social! 🙂

  3. I agree with you on the self hosted WP. I am sorry you had such awful experiences with people. Just because you don’t look like them, you shouldn’t be ridiculed. I certainly hope its gotten better.


  4. Just stopping for a visit via Sunday Social.
    I enjoy blogging for many of the same reasons you listed. It’s been wonderful to me new people over the last 8 years that I’ve been blogging.
    It’s also awesome to still be in touch with people I’ve known over the years too.
    It’s been fun visiting your blog.

    1. I was limited with – I couldn’t use some widgets, or have advertising, for example, but I can with (self-hosted). There’s a lot more freedom if you have the blog hosted somewhere else. I think with Blogger you don’t have those limitations, but there are other problems with Blogger so WordPress was a good choice for me.

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