beauty and fitness

Why You Should Take Care Of Your Body


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When we are young, we assume that our bodies will continue functioning perfectly forever. But as we get older, we soon discover that this is not the case. No matter what we do or how hard we try, our bodies get old, we start to develop problems, and eventually, the inevitable happens.


For many people, this reality is a reason not to take care of themselves. They develop a fatalistic attitude. If their bodies are going to break down anyway, what is the point of putting in time and energy into preserving them? 


But it’s never been about making the body last forever. Instead, it’s about maximizing the enjoyment that you can have in your life now. When you are healthy, you also stand a higher chance of being happy. And what’s ultimately a sensation that most people want. 


It Makes You Feel Good


Perhaps the prime motivation for taking care of your body is that it makes you feel good. When you move more and eat better, it contributes to your overall sense of wellbeing. You are much more likely to feel good in yourself and about your life. Your body is less likely to be in pain, and being healthy has knock-on effects on the mind. 


Feeling good is your prerogative. It’s something that you deserve. It’s a birthright as a human being. Even if you are beset by health issues right now, simply changes in your lifestyle and thought patterns can lead to tremendous changes in your experience of life. 


It Saves You Money


Second, taking care of your body actually saves you money long-term. If you can avoid health issues today, then you’ll wind up spending significantly less in the future. 


For instance, going to your dentist every six months for checkups can save you a fortune over the time long term. They can deal with health issues while they are in their early stages, reducing the cost of corrective surgery and interventions long-term. 


The same applies to diet and exercise. The cost of curative medical care is tremendous. But the price you pay for prevention is significantly lower. Eating greens is far less expensive than paying for open heart surgery. 


It Helps You Serve The People Around You

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Self-actualizing people constantly look for opportunities to serve the people around them. For them, life is about raising other people up, not themselves.


When you serve others, it changes who you are as a person. But it is only usually possible if you are of sound body and mind. If you’re not healthy or you lack energy, it’s difficult to do. Everything seems so hard and you can’t make real progress. You want to do more, but your body prevents you from doing so. 


But that’s not the case when you take care of your body. It serves as a platform to become a better spouse, parent or friend. All of a sudden, you have infinite energy that you can dedicate to those around you. You’re not being brought down by a health condition. 

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