beauty and fitness

Wardrobe Wednesday – Capsule Wardrobe Basics

I placed another order from Eddie Bauer.

capsule wardrobe

I like the tan suit – the pants are the fabulously fitting Blakely cut, and the jacket has a 3/4 length sleeves so it’s not a suit-y suit., and it’s stretch twill so it’s comfortable. Perfect for business casual. Although it has a certain…vibe to it.


or perhaps


I ordered two cardigans – one in grey, one in black. Cardigans, tees, and pants has always been a sort of uniform for me; now I’m just streamlining. And getting clothes that fit.

And finally I ordered a spare pair of black pants in the Blakely cut. Yes, I know that having a back-up is opposite of having a capsule wardrobe, and I know that I don’t save when I spend…but they were on clearance! I’m terrified this style is being discontinued, and the search for black pants that fit properly is such a chore. So hoard it is.

I think my capsule wardrobe is just about complete – I have everything I need except a brown suit. There’s no immediate need so I’ll take my time trying to find one.

2 thoughts on “Wardrobe Wednesday – Capsule Wardrobe Basics

  1. Thanks for the like! I have to say, the resemblances are a bit spooky. You are 41…I am 41! You are 135 pounds…I am 135 pounds. But when I saw your pic of The African Queen movie – THAT.IS.MY.FAVORITE!!! Most people have never even seen it! I always thought I was an only child, but now… 😉 Enjoying your blog and the beauty product info!

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